For Forgiveness
Heavenly Father, I do not pray to You very often in my own words, but use instead the prayer given to us by your own Son. Now, aware of my own self-destructiveness, my own tendency to make the very mistakes I intend to avoid, I turn to You for help. Your wisdom knows, beyond what we can think, that we are the children of a fallen race, that we carry mysterious burdens that cause us to harm or even destroy the very things that would bring us joy and peace. You have sent Your only Son to rescue us all, even those who conspired to destroy Him. Although I love and trust Him, I wonder what I would have done if I would have been among those He challenged and called beyond their narrow, selfish concerns. Nothing in my life convinces me that I would have been among the few who stood by Him. And so I admit, I often fail Him even now, and leave unused and discarded the chances He give me to serve Him and those in need, who represent Him so well. Father, be with me when I fail You, and fail those You have given me to serve. Right my wrongs. Enlighten my darkness. Straighten out my ways. And be patient with my foolishness. I don’t ask You to prevent my mistakes, but to help me be patient with others, as You are patient with me. Amen.
Heavenly Father, I do not pray to You very often in my own words, but use instead the prayer given to us by your own Son. Now, aware of my own self-destructiveness, my own tendency to make the very mistakes I intend to avoid, I turn to You for help. Your wisdom knows, beyond what we can think, that we are the children of a fallen race, that we carry mysterious burdens that cause us to harm or even destroy the very things that would bring us joy and peace. You have sent Your only Son to rescue us all, even those who conspired to destroy Him. Although I love and trust Him, I wonder what I would have done if I would have been among those He challenged and called beyond their narrow, selfish concerns. Nothing in my life convinces me that I would have been among the few who stood by Him. And so I admit, I often fail Him even now, and leave unused and discarded the chances He give me to serve Him and those in need, who represent Him so well. Father, be with me when I fail You, and fail those You have given me to serve. Right my wrongs. Enlighten my darkness. Straighten out my ways. And be patient with my foolishness. I don’t ask You to prevent my mistakes, but to help me be patient with others, as You are patient with me. Amen.
Lord, Come into my
heart (Pause in silence)
For Those We Love
Father, at this moment I try to clear my mind of thoughts which distract me from speaking clearly to You, but I can never clear my heart of love and concern for those You brought into my life who are near and dear to me. I thank You for these gifts, and ask that You always bless them. Tonight, I especially ask Your blessings for:
Father, at this moment I try to clear my mind of thoughts which distract me from speaking clearly to You, but I can never clear my heart of love and concern for those You brought into my life who are near and dear to me. I thank You for these gifts, and ask that You always bless them. Tonight, I especially ask Your blessings for:
(Tom) For my mom, that God continues to bless
her with good health
R. Lord, hear our prayers for those we love.
For Those Who Need
Your Help
Lord, You bring into my life people who need Your help. By myself, I am a weak and frail human; I can do nothing for them. If it is Your will, use me that they may see not what I do, but what YOU do for them. I pray for those You have sent to me to care for, and those who need Your strength.
Lord, You bring into my life people who need Your help. By myself, I am a weak and frail human; I can do nothing for them. If it is Your will, use me that they may see not what I do, but what YOU do for them. I pray for those You have sent to me to care for, and those who need Your strength.
For those on our Church prayer chain, who have
asked that we pray for them
For this country and its leaders, that they may
be open to your Wisdom
R. Lord, hear our prayers for those who need
Your help.
Today’s Scripture
For Your Church
Jesus gave Peter the keys to your kingdom. Father, I pray for Your church upon the earth, that it may be strong against the snares of the devil, and it may lead everyone into Your kingdom.
Jesus gave Peter the keys to your kingdom. Father, I pray for Your church upon the earth, that it may be strong against the snares of the devil, and it may lead everyone into Your kingdom.
For your servant, Pope Benedict XVI
For non-practicing Catholics, that the seed you
planted in Baptism may never grow sterile, but bloom in Your own good time.
For suffering Christians around the world, that
they know in their hearts the pains that Jesus suffered for them, and so may
more easily bear their pains for Him.
For those who willingly suffer for others ---
give them strength.
For the souls in Purgatory, especially those of
our deceased family members.
For a reversal of Roe vs Wade, and an end to
abortion, euthanasia, and the death penalty.
R. Lord, hear our prayers for Your Church
In Thanksgiving
Lord, I can’t thank You enough for Your many blessings, yet I rarely even start. Father, tonight I want to thank You for all You have done for me: this week, this year, in my entire life. You have answered my prayers; You have heard my call of: “Abba – Father help me.” Thank You.
Lord, I can’t thank You enough for Your many blessings, yet I rarely even start. Father, tonight I want to thank You for all You have done for me: this week, this year, in my entire life. You have answered my prayers; You have heard my call of: “Abba – Father help me.” Thank You.
For Your help in all our daily tasks
For the people you place in our lives who help
bring us closer to You.
For your saints in heaven, and those on earth
who show us the way to follow You.
For those who willingly give their lives in
prayer and in sacrifice for others.
For Christian radio, television, magazines,
newspapers, and books which help spread your Word.
R. Lord, we give You praise and thanksgiving for
Your many blessings on us.
Oh Lord Jesus Christ. You alone know the holiness of God and the weakness of humanity. You alone have dwelt in the heavens and on the earth. Though without sin, You have borne our infirmities and tasted the bitter effects of our evil deeds. You call us to be holy so that we may pass on to that holy life which is without any change or sorrow, to that place of endless day where there is no mourning or crying anymore. You have gone before us and sent the Advocate to stand beside us in our trials.
Oh Lord Jesus Christ. You alone know the holiness of God and the weakness of humanity. You alone have dwelt in the heavens and on the earth. Though without sin, You have borne our infirmities and tasted the bitter effects of our evil deeds. You call us to be holy so that we may pass on to that holy life which is without any change or sorrow, to that place of endless day where there is no mourning or crying anymore. You have gone before us and sent the Advocate to stand beside us in our trials.
O Divine Master, call us ever more powerfully to follow You
on the way of holiness. Call us to
sanctification by Your life and death, by Your Word and sacraments. Save those who are dear to us. Save those who have strayed. Call to those who are perishing, because you
have died for us all. And make us by
Your grace, witnesses to your salvation and holiness in this world, in which we
struggle on, guided by the light shining from Your cross. Amen.
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