July 3, 2012

An Invite

This is an email I sent to friends, early in June 2012:

Attached is a post I made today to my blog.  It says it all.  I am proposing to start a weekly study of the catechism of the catholic church at my house, for reasons you can read about in the document.  For as much as our culture seems confused today about what is right and wrong, what is important and not, and what is truth, it seems a good idea to get back to basics --- what we believe, and why. 

This is an open invite to you and anyone you think might (or should) be interested.  Only respond back if you plan to attend --- if the numbers are large we can always find a bigger meeting place, if they are small, I have a half-bath downstairs.  This is just something I feel I must do, for myself.  You are invited along.  I am proposing to meet on Tuesdays, from 7 to 9PM at my house at xxxx.  The night is not negotiable for me, since it is the only night I am not caring for my mom (although on occasion I could probably arrange switches with her caregiver).

I am proposing starting on Tuesday, June 19.  This is to give you time to think about it, pray about it, plan some nasty comments back to me (or funny ones), or make excuses to yourself about why this isn’t important.  None of these things do I want to hear about.  If you need a copy of the catechism, let me know and I’ll pick one up for you, gratis.

And if I don’t hear back from you, know you are all still my friends and I wish you well.  This is just an offer I felt compelled to make (but then, you know of a lot of stupid things I’ve done in the past --- if you don’t like this idea, just chalk it up as another one.)

(The attachment referenced in the first paragraph is posted on my other blog, Do Not Be Anxious, and titled as Self-Evangelization.  It describes reasons for starting the catechism study.)

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